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10 Reasons Why People Attend Book Signings

This is the result of the survey of 325 people conducted by myself, so that you can improve my own book signing. Once you've completed the investigation, I saw the enormous amount of information that gave me. I thought it was important to share it with a wider audience. Also, as well as personal experiences. The survey was conducted by Catherine in person with people who have attended book signing at bookstores in Northern Virginia Metropolitan Area between January 2004 and September 2004. In total, 325 people have completed the study. Here are his answers to the following questions: Why do the book of signatures? If you're wondering how it can help to promote his book. These 10 items are extremely important. They say that writers need to give audience to increase sales of books and interact with the public. Once you know what you want your audience what they want, riddles fades and is a great book signing. Here are the top ten answers to answer the first question: 1. People want to be recognized for taking the time to come - for you, the store and others who came. Participants who have already read the book, go to meet other like-minded. They have a social purpose and what you should give them. Most books do not have a social component for them to create one. When it is undoubtedly increase sales. People want direction they did not want to be ignored. Let them talk to people around them. Introduce a person who does met for the person beside them. There are many techniques, or make some of their own. An author known learned to do so over time. Learn how to do it as soon as possible. 2. Curiosity. People are generally curious about the authors and how they write, or how they got his book published. Tell them of your trip with all that. For they will be or like going to be writers, because their vision includes what you do, give them information. It creates immediate connection. Even if you are not going to buy the book in general will change my opinion, merely close their curiosity. 3. Entertainment. Yes, you have to be entertaining. People who want to do, and stay (which means that you do not get up and leave) they have. See energy, moves with his hands, and you can stop reading the page (the number one animal Peev). Again and again, I saw people leave when the author continued to read her presentation of the page. People do not expect perfection. They have a heavy week or day, and they somehow mitigate complex. Although his book is a major theme, light typing. Comedy anecdotes about you is great! 4. Oh, age, What's in it for me discussion. What are the advantages of using the Internet to read this book? Is there any information that will help them change their way of thinking something? Use testimonials, for those with a little meat on the bones. Yes, May you have to make some assumptions about how the public is running. Moving forward and get it done. Create some that cover a broader perspective and should be sent to a wider audience. 5. There is nothing wrong with encouraging more sales. What else could be interested in the book. His boss, friend, a brother, who? Go ahead, give ideas for gifts. What festivals or events can bind the book? It is Christmas, Mother's Day coming? Attach the topic and holidays and, if you can. The type of people who like to read these books. No, not everyone. It is sometimes difficult for authors, because they attach to sell . Drum roll ... ... Heaven forbid the sale. When the public is so fascinated by a book and its history, its spirit is not on the purchase of two books. They travel with one, then when turning the page three or five years, resembles a flash Eeek, I would have bought one of my boss. I assure you it is very unlikely to return to the library to buy a copy at this time. 6. If you do certain things to make additional connections with the public. It just does not sit behind the table. Stand up, shake hands - and not low, and look straight in the eye when you ask Who do you want me to do that? Ask if they want another book for someone d ' ? Here is a trick secret. He has a great relationship. The Japanese do this all the time. Place the pencil. Discount book, please cover your face with both hands, present it to them slowly, by the way, as if it's worth a million dollars and a very special gift. Look deep into his eyes at the same time (but this part is different from that of Japan), and say silently in your heart and in his speech, Thank you. See the light. Of course, smiling. 7. As mentioned above, hearing come with a hidden agenda - to have fun. To appreciate them. Creating space for joy and ease for them. Do not think that you have no control. The shop wants you to succeed. Share with them the kind of experience you want the public to gain. Ask for recommendations, ask for things that have not been done before. To serve as an inspiration in the language, thoughts and stories. The stories that pulls the heart strings. If anyone in the book, you can find one. 8. There is nothing wrong with the gift of jewelry, toys, theme, which comes from the characters. Or even simply are not directly linked in some way. You do not have to spend much money on promotional items. Think. This May subject to approval by the host country. You will find it insofar as it does not cost anything in general and higher sales of books, they encourage. To give a gift if you buy two or three copies. Find a magnet or something fresh, something that does not cost much, but only ads for incitement to buy more than one. Sometimes, the library is back and something may give you a relic selling price. Ask. 9. You can not say thank you on many occasions. Do not forget to smile, say thank you and be there with an open heart and love. This creates an attractive energy and attract people to you. 10. Share things about how the idea of the book came to you. Do you write 15 minutes a day, a few words? Have you received help from others, who? Have you faced a place or thing? There is for those who inspired their turn? Please do not comment on the spouse at any time. For unmarried persons are boring and said that the detour. Share things about her childhood. This is a child within each of us. Share your childhood with your audience. Particularly funny screw-ups. Well, I hope you liked learn what the audience wants in the book signing. This process is undoubtedly a clear idea for me. It ga me a real taste of individuals and their aspirations. Perhaps a future study would be to make people tell me why the family left early. ? Copyright 2004, Catherine Franz. All rights reserved. Catherine Franz, a Certified Professional Marketing & Writing Coach, specializes in product development, writing, and Internet marketing, nonfiction, training. 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