วันพุธที่ 17 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

How to Send Press Releases to Newspapers About Your New Book

There are over ten thousand daily, weekly and monthly newspapers in the USA and Canada. For the first time that the author is a valuable source of free publicity. They were looking for news and his new book is applicable. In view of these documents is a list of things that are frowned upon and a list of items under the title? Do not you dare. We will examine this latter category first. Never start your press release with the title in capitals or in bold and underlined. Kapitalisere for his departure as if it were a title for a book and nothing else. Never use a barrage of personal pronouns as they must remain in the third person. Do not forget to put a summary statement issued shortly after the first line. These are some phrases that read the bait, so to speak. We must make them want to read what follows next in the body. Never, never, never personal or contact information in the summary or body press release. Save coordinates on the last part of the press release, which is what it is. In this last stretch, go with caution. It's OK for information such as projections objective of his book, phone number, website and other contact information. A memo about his credentials are as good as their degree or experience or anything else that qualifies him for writing his book. Firstly, there are four parts to a good press release, and are as follows: 1. The title: One or two sentences that describe the news. Do not be boring, if you lose here the reader will have lost forever the reader. Please do not say? Author has a new book on the social problems of Latinos. But rather try something? Fiery Latin Americans who have found ways to avoid fire in the area. Do not worry so much about this make sense for everyone. More concerned about how it catches their attention, their curiosity, or even your imagination. Most publishers have played Mind games with the public since the invention of the op-ed science, you can be more correct. 2. The declaration SUMMARY: This is one, two or three sentences that summarize what the body of liberation is near. Here, you must use phrases that offer solutions, new viewpoints, disagreement, or simply absurd. If you wrote a book on how to lose weight without diet, try something similar. Author said food is dead, finally. 3. The main objective: This is the meat and potatoes part of liberation. Select the subtleties in his book things that constitute the heart of the matter. Use contrast, compare their ideas with the existing one. If you wrote a novel, the story line framework briefly the most intense parts of his book rather than a general description. 4. Biographical information: Stay in the third person, and not to make a sales pitch. In order to comply with the credentials, experience, qualifications and contact information. Do you have a website, use for the first time, and all other contact information that is secondary. It is accepted forms of presentation of press releases to newspapers in transition. You will continue to have good results by sending faxes, but is also OK to use e-mail. More recently, ways to use new channels of news, but at this stage it appears that only large news was collected and cables are very comprehensive and global events for almost nothing. This will help if you're in the process of the first publishers to ask if you can send a press release. If you are unsure of how to deal with them only ask that the publisher might be interested in his particular type of presentation. Most publishers are very pleasant when he approached in this way, and as they say, get your foot in the door. All this requires much time and only very seriously the need for this work. Almost a pain for me to say that you should check the spelling and grammar very carefully. Use a program Word to write his first release after sending it. It's OK to send the same version of the many roles. And it is normal to send more than once, but must take its place presentations over a period of several weeks, not days. Try re-presentation of each word, if possible, to avoid giving the impression that you are bombing in the hope of a result. You can get killed but not discouraged. Some publishers simply ignore it, unless you have a book in the New York Times bestseller list. Another thing very sad to report whether they have used POD publisher or self-published if you rarely receive attention in major newspapers. If the book creates a national war, or less if you want to jump in sales a day to enable them to bend their rules. Where do you want to get lists of newspapers? Many lists on the website that will cost something. You can subscribe to a media service that will provide a list of major newspapers, but it would cost five hundred dollars. Where is the value for you then. Keep in mind that newspapers put their release at once for some time to reveal things about you or your book to send new .. Like everything else in the public domain, some newspapers refuse him, others are indifferent, and some see the faith that the son chat Miau. Hang there, it's worth. Rev Bresciani is the leader of a non-denominational ministry in the area of New Orleans. He wrote many articles over the past thirty years in such magazines as a guide and Catholic Digest. He is the author of two books available on Amazon.com, Alibris, Barnes and Noble and many other places. Rev Bresciani wrote, Hook Line and ballast or what happened to the Church teaches, published by PublishAmerica of Baltimore, MD. He wrote a book to be published by the press Xulon called a prophet and his message, questions and answers about the second coming of Jesus Christ. For more information about Rev Bresciani on your own website http://americanprophet.org http://americanprophet.org
