วันเสาร์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551
Is There a Book Hiding Inside You?
Have you always wanted to write? Are there set ideas in his mind waiting for the opportune moment to get them on paper? Do you have a unique perspective on an issue or problem facing many people? Unable to read a book or article and think I can write better than this? Have you ever said maybe, when I have time I will write a book? Perhaps the time has come for you to put your apology to the dustbin and fingers on the keys. You'll never find the time, but only to add the time to write. It is important to carve out small chunks of his time to organize struck on the head with an overview on paper. Where to begin? Despite what has begun to thousands of pounds in the shower or in my dreams, the first book that I'm done has been done in a half-hour segments over a period of nine months. By standing up to six hours each morning and write on my old typewriter in a corner before the children awoke, I had the opportunity to finally withdraw, which was hidden in my brain and put it in book form. We frigid life in Glasgow, Montana, and you can not even imagine how they were trying to flannel sheets each morning. But I knew that my soul thirsts for information that I had to share in a format that will reach thousands of people and change lives. The thousands of people, mostly parents, who bought this book has proved to be numbered in the hundreds or less, but I was already a writer and decided to write about what I knew best, parents. Fiction or nonfiction? Given that 90% of books sold are non-fiction, and most of them are not sold in bookstores, I knew that if I wanted to come to my particular audience, parents and caregivers for children I had so far angle. My goal was to teach, not to entertain, but I wanted to write what people buy. Focus groups told me that young parents want young brochures on subjects straits, large quantities of bullets and other stories of families who could relate. They do not want to psychobabble of the so-called experts, statistics or be charged with guilt. They wanted and needed real experiences of people who could count on. The most important information from focus groups is that the books had to be a part of all sizes and less than $ 10.00. I knew I could sell my products to my workshops for parents and also through local bookstores. Long or short? You do not need to write a 200 hundred page book should be regarded as an author. What do you think it starts with an article of 300-750 words on a topic that you know about this magazine? You want May to consider a brochure (6 to 50 pages), a special report (3.25 pages), a workbook (pages 7.30), or a book (32, 64, 96 or 128 pages). If you want to start with a personal test, see my site free www.ArtichokePress.com an article on how to write an effective part of your life. Another option is e-book, which is fast becoming the information is sold and delivered. When I attended a seminar put Mark Victor Hansen of Chicken Soup for the Soul fame, one speaker said that e-books usually sell more than 4 times than anyone in mind the right to pay for them! The information that the buyer is motivated by the speed and ready to pay for a solution to a problem immediately. What to write? What I do not know? Imagine that I have tea with you and all calls to increase the Icelandic sheep dogs, or what your field of expertise. List all the questions and leave a large space. Go back later and respond to questions and we have a book or chapter explains the document. When I learned this formula by Judy Cullins to www.bookcoaching.com I was amazed at how easy it is to write a short book quickly. Is it worth the effort? Yes. You have information that people want and need. You know something about a particular niche that can not be taught. This information was in turn on the head and heart long enough. It is time to shoot a half-hour each morning or evening to put their ideas on paper. It has never been easier to get the book in the press since the advent free publication. Do not you like to be able to tell his twentieth high school reunion, I live in a beautiful Montana and write books that change people's lives? Believe me, that does not get much better than that. ? Judy H. Wright, Judy H. www.ArtichokePress.com _________________________________________________________________________ Wright wrote over 20 books and numerous articles. She works as a parent, educator and historian. It has just been chosen as the regional representative of the National Association of Women Writers http://www.NAWW.org http://www.NAWW.org and want to create groups of women writing in different areas, that either in person or telecommunications - groups. If you are interested, please contact JudyWright@ArtichokePress.com JudyWright@ArtichokePress.com or by telephone at 406-549-9813. The site has many http://www.ArtichokePress.com http://www.ArtichokePress.com free articles and reports on parents, the well-being, self-editing, and delivery care the end of their lives. Check it out today.
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