วันศุกร์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

Buzz-Based Book Marketing

There was a time people went to the library when I wanted to buy a book. Or at least is the theory. In reality, no bookstore chains have been a large part of the sale of books for several decades at least participated in the karbo Joe ( The Lazy Man's Way to Riches ) in 1960. For my own books, either s elf-published, done with a small home business or a company in New York, I found that direct lling is safer and more economical Rewe Ding, much less a problem of his sweat turn in the game with b ookstore chain. During he sold through the speech (I like to have d do my own marketing), on the Internet (P RIM my four sites to live was in 1996), to clients in my office, or Qu ' is it watching a rack of my work through his appointment, and thr ough a vast effort to create buzz . The vast thi, is that everyone * can generate buzz. Three of my techniques: 1. Being sources and guests, or EDI classical m. I have been quoted in Reader's Digest, The New York Times, Woman's Day, Bo ttom line, the Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, Los Ange-les Times, Inc, and a number of other well-known and obscure publications (s ee detailed list http://www.principledprofits.com/pressroom.html http://www.principledprofits.com/pressroom.html). I also appeal to customers for at least a dozen radio per year. Or if I sell a number of books directly through interviews t HES, I doubt create a lot of noise (a search on Google and my nam and see for yourself) - and the best interviews to sell a certain number books through my web pages or toll-free numbers. Here are my secret weapon fu obtain coverage: a service that sends queries source s journalist who works in the stories. (Learn more information http://www.frugalmarketing.com/prleads.shtml http://www.frugalmarketing.com/prleads.shtml) 2. Find your niche on the Web, and participate actively. There, and literally hundreds of thousands of community in line: watercoo lers virtual where people gather for these k Shop: mystery, historical novel reading groups, professionals of all differences of work. Find a group that the public is the same as his book, and participate frequently. For now involved in three groups of small publishers pressure (a primary market, not only because of my books, but for my colleagues pywriting services, a group of Internet marketing to confess onal, three public relations professionals with publishers, and several others. Yes, I use an hour or two a day to continue - and participate - that lists meetings, but the impact on my business is enormous. 3. Distribution content. A ticles s, books, blogs often write about ... enough about a subject, May it be a specialist. And you can find a number of Web sites, newsgroups Sion, printed newsletters, magazines, including radio - Hungary and for all well-written backgrounders. recovers paid with a few lines and find contact information. For my new book, Principles Ophites Pr: marketing that gives priority to people: I am more the mixture of two things: a network of independent representatives going to sell my book on the commission - - thus reach a new network that I have not been paid to get my own -- And the aggressive pursuit of corporate sales. Pm He announced my first success in the past: 1000 copies to a prom nent to airline. And this means that the book was already profitable before peace Lledo of the press! Shel Horowitz , Author of benefits * principles: the internal market which establishes the People First * * Grassroots Marketing: Getting noticed in a Noisy World *, and four other books, and provide affordable and effective formulation and strategic planning marketing to customers on three continents. He is the author of Business Ethics commitment to the campaign to change the world Www.principledprofits.com/25000influencers.html http:// http:// www.principledprofits.com/25000influencers. Html. Fields Hans http:/ / and http:// Www.frugalmarketing.com http://www.frugalmarketing.com Www.principledprofits.com http://www.principledprofits.com you offers hundreds of useful articles for entrepreneurs and traders, Including the complete return of its free monthly frugal Marketing Councils. Shel will be happy to help you create your next press release, sell sheet, site or other marketing materials. You can now shel@principledprofits.com shel@principledprofits.com, 800 - 683 words.
