วันพุธที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2551

8 Easy Online Ways to Market Your Book For Free

Marketing your book, if it was POD, e-book, or traditional route May be a difficult process. Find out what works and what can not take time, energy, and if you're not careful a lot of money. The first time I published my free science fiction, The Man Alive, I had already done research on ways to promote my novel not to eat in my wallet. Here are the top 8 ways, I sold my book and saw the results: Create an Internet presence. There are several ways to do so, but have your own website to promote your printer is the best way. There are many places that have Web pages for free, but Bravenet.com has everything you want (webjournal, tell a friend service, guest book and e-mail lists, to name a few), including free accommodation. * Connecting the author of books. The author is not the only ones to read your messages, and make sure to add your address, even if it does not give you a place to talk. Place it under your name when you connect. * Be a bulletin boards, answer questions from beginners, and do not forget to add your signature to the Web. It is important to remember here is that pop on a regular basis, otherwise it seems that the only reason why there is advertising, and participants do not take seriously. * Join the authors of the groups on the Internet and e-mail, mail, e! This does not mean that any group should be flooded with advertising e-mails about his book, but rather to participate in the discussions. If you have a line of signature at the end of the e-mail that will make your advertising for you. * Speaking of lines of signature, create and add all your e-mails. It is one of my favorite gifts. People do not read the lines and signature that I ordered the books, because I have found through the signature line. * Provide free PDF versions of your books (not much now, only 2 or 3) in exchange for comments. This worked very well for me, and received good comments. Viewers will be free and is usually more than willing to write a review in return. * Trade in electronic versions of their books with others and take an examination for another. * When you have comments on your site and what you can. There are many places to post comments free, just a Google search for books. See if your reviewers to publish their comments for you on this site. Regina Paul is the author of science-fiction novel, The Man Alive, and editor of the free bi-monthly e-zine Regina author of the universe. You can read the first chapter of his novel, sign your e-zine and find many other gifts by the author in http://www.reginapaul.bravehost.com http://www.reginapaul.bravehost. com
